Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Little Reader

We went to Tuesday storytime today!

Oh those LASHES!
Sitting up on his own for longer periods.
(And by on his own I mean we help him get balanced there and let go.)

It's the first time we made it to story time in almost 2 months!  I am so glad that we were all well enough and that the weather allowed this week. We saw our favorite librarian who is like a 3rd grandmother to Ayden. He's kind of her favorite too which is really sweet. 

While we were there I took some time to talk with her about Ayden and his reading. I asked if they had the BOB book series because he knows his letters, both capital and lowercase, his letter sounds and a few high frequent words that he looks for and finds when we are out and about. He is ready to start reading!  

I had heard good things about these BOB books and asked a fellow teacher friend if she had used them and she likes them so before going out and buying a set I checked with the local library. They had the whole series and she was very excited to hear about Ayden being ready for them.

 The thing that stopped me in my tracks is that the level he is ready for says "Kindergarten" on the box. I know we still have a couple of years before he'll start Kindergarten but it just made me realize how quickly it will be here. We still have a lot of thinking and research to do to know what kind of schooling we will start him out in and I feel like I need to put figuring it out higher on our priority list. 

All of that being said, I am so happy that he has a love for books and for reading. I am excited to start this next adventure with him because once one learns to read they can then begin reading to learn!

Something very important to keep in mind. We will just follow his lead!
We don't want to rush him but we do want to make resources available so he can run with new skills whenever he is ready.


Flashback!  Here's what we were up to one year ago today: "Big Stuff"
Two years ago today: "Little Ayden Had A Farm"
And three years ago today: "Magical Music"

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  1. Do you have any suggestions for teaching letters/letter sounds?

    1. Ayden learned all of his through conversation and play. We write on his chalk/dry erase boards together, I point out letters and letter sounds in books and environmental print. Same with numbers and counting. We count stairs, snacks, dog treats, and pretty much EVERYTHING. A good place to start with letters would be your child's name and then the names of family members. Those letters are very meaningful and relevant so it makes them easy to remember. We would talk about meaningful letters on our walks last Summer and list all of the people/animals/etc we could think of that started with the letter sound (while exaggerating the sounds). At first it was just me talking but it slowly evolved and now he'll do it on his own. It takes time but they are sponges. No need for flash cards or direct instruction in my opinion. Just READ and TALK! Good luck! :)
